
Duofilm Liquid Salicylic Acid Wart Remover - 1/3 Oz Review

Duofilm Liquid Salicylic Acid Wart Remover - 1/3 Oz
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My daughter had a cluster of at least 14 warts on her foot with black dots!I took her to the doctor and he recommended this duofilm.I put this on her foot every day.On the 4th day I started picking at it......to remove it.Each day we would pick at it and apply duofilm!Within 2 WEEKS........she was wart free!!!!All the websites I have read said that it would take 4-6 weeks to remove!My daughter's warts were bad and layer after layer!!!Thanks to duofilm we were able to get rid of them quickly!!

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Product Description:
INDICATIONS: Duofilm Liquid For removal of common and plantar warts. Common warts can be easily recognized by the rough cauliflower like appearance of the surface.

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