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(More customer reviews)This is the greatest product since sliced bread!First - IT DOES WHAT IT SAYS! That is huge and rare these days!
My primary purpose for this is to cover a prescription patch I wear that releases my medicine-worst case scenario, I can put it in my first aid kit if it doesn't work for my intended purpose.WOW! It worked like magic!!!I have had to wear the patch to give me medicine for 8 years and they have given me problems constantly.You only get a certain amount of patches per month, most pharmacies don't keep them in stock anymore so they are "special order", and when they fall off early or the edges peel up, you have to replace it before it's 3 days of medicine is up.If it happens too often, eventually you run out before the next prescription can be filled and there is nothing you can do but suffer and get violently ill-and they say, "never" try to go without a patch without slowly weaning your body off the medicine because it is dangerous - and yet, they don't stick very well and you can't get any extra. I totally understand the fear of misuse of narcotics but for sick people like me, it is very stressful to be so nervous and careful all the time for fear you will run out of patches and put your life at risk, or be horribly ill for days and days. But I digress - this product has changed all that now!
I have tried EVERYTHING on the planet to keep a patch on my arm - wrap them, tape them, even plastic wrap and waterproof tape all around my arm for showers, wrapping it and taping it in a hand towel when I am outside, cutting a ziploc bag into rectangles and taping it on, anything to avoid sweat or water, scrubbing the arm area before placing it to make sure there's no dead skin to make it peel up.....Not only does NOTHING else work for the last 8 years, I am allergic to most medical "tapes" and get a red ring that burns, pulls my skin off and scars my arm from the adhesives on the tape, some that give me rashes all over my arm, and still have found nothing that will keep my patch on when it starts peeling up. UNTIL NOW!
This is a thin film, easy to put on after you get the hang of it.I cut a 2 inch length and peeled off the front and back and it is so thin it folded and stuck together, the second time I realized I can peel one side off and place the sticky side down over my patch and then peel off the backing when it's already in place - VOILA.I am on my third use and have not had any allergic reaction to what is clearly an adhesive of some type but is a miracle adhesive-like nothing I have ever tried.It is super sticky and never peels up but it also doesn't leave behind any sticky stuff, peels off like a vinyl cling, no pain, no skin coming with it, no marks left behind -all that and it stays in place PERFECTLY no matter how you sleep, full blast water from the shower, scorching hot steaming water from the shower, and I even survived sweating from falling asleep in a lawn chair the other day when I was really sick but couldn't stand being in the house any longer-it was 96 degrees and I woke up drenched - normally, it would be only a shower and an hour and my patch would be coming off and I would be stressing out because I just changed it and now will be a full 3 days short.Instead, it never peeled off at all. The first time I used it, my patch was already peeling off on all sides, the morning after putting it on and I figured I had nothing to lose by trying this since the patch-already losing it's stick on the edges- would be coming off anyway- but it re-stuck my patch like a freakin vacuum seal to my arm and it lasted until the next "change" day. I brought it to my doctor yesterday and he checked it out and there is nothing "in it" that would have any effect on my medicine or changing my patch in anyway and he approved with the usual warning of "don't wrap it around your arm in a circle like an ace bandage, it would be bad for your circulation". He knows that those of us with patches come in with all sorts of contraptions to try and make our patch stick, we talk about it almost every time I go to see him.
Third times a charm - even better than the first two times because I knew it would work.Changed the patch yesterday afternoon and woke up this morning with ONE CORNER LEFT STICKING (pathetic product, the patch) and started to have my usual "freak out" that it's TOO SOON, it hasn't been on 24 hours yet even...then I remembered my miracle "NEXCARE ACTIVE WATERPROOF SKIN COVER" and once again, I cut a piece and laid it on the arm patch and POOF like a MAGIC vacuum seal, it sucked it right back to my skin and here I am 5 hours later writing a full page about how freakin fabulous this product is.It is still stuck like glue, no peeling or curling or burning or rashes and best of all, I am getting my medicine like I am supposed to, without wasting another new patch. Until there is a sign that I might be getting well and won't have to wear the patch anymore (which I finally recognize is unlikely after 8 years) I'm ready to buy stock in this company. At least, I am buying 4 more sets of 4 rolls, in case I can't find them one day - which always seems to happen with the best products.
A secondary but important wonderful fact is that is is CLEAR - completely blends into your skin like it isn't even there. After 8 years, I am no longer as self conscious as I used to be about having the patch on my arm but still - I'd rather it be invisible so I can wear short sleeves without people staring or asking a bunch of questions - especially when I would have to use lots of white tape with a big rash around it like before. No matter how long you've dealt with it, it can be embarrassing.It's bad enough to be young and sick all the time, I'd rather not add anything else to my situation.
If you have to wear any kind of patch for medical or other reasons, even a quit smoking patch or whatever, I would bet this miracle item would work on any kind of patch and because it comes in a long roll, it doesn't matter the size of your patch.In my case, the generic brand I usually get is not huge but occasionally I get a different brand, depending on the pharmacy, and the same amount of medicine is given in a patch 3 times the size-and for people with my same patch at a higher dosage, the patch just gets bigger and bigger - this will work for any size and any dosage and I would bet if you need more than 2 inches tall/wide, you could probably use 2 layers next to each other or over lapping without any problem. I can't believe I came across this, when re-ordering band aids for my first aid kit and just crossed my fingers that after trying everything I could find for the last 8 years, this time it would be different - this time it would keep my patch on my arm and not give me a severe allergic reaction. as I said, in the past, I have tried every tape, hypo-allergenic, sports tape,craft tape, bandages, plastic wrap, EVERYTHING! Not only did nothing keep my patch on, all of them gave me such horrendous reactions, if it HAD worked, I'm not sure how long I could even tolerate the rashes and skin burns.
FINALLY! If you have difficulty keeping your medicinal patch on your arm or back or wherever you wear it, this is the answer and no matter how allergic you are, there's a pretty good chance you won't be allergic to this and I have no idea why.I am allergic to almost everything adhesive on the market, I can say ALMOST because I finally found a product I am not allergic to! NEXCARE ACTIVE WATERPROOF SKIN COVER ROCKS!!!
Does it work for it's intended purpose? No Clue....but it's magic for my purpose and I am So incredibly thankful.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Nexcare Active Waterproof Skin Cover, 2 Inch x 24 Inch Roll (Pack of 4)
Product Description:
The Nexcare Active Skin Cover is a waterproof,comfortable, ultra-thin, and breathable, skin cover that helps to protect skin injury from infection by sealing water, dirt, and germs while helping to relieve pain.
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